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Dutch Old Master Drawings and Prints: Lucas van Leyden (Dutch, 1494-1533)

Lucas van Leyden: Old Testament and Miscellaneous / Lucas: New Testament / Lucas: Christ and 10 of the Apostles

North Italian Illuminated Manuscript / Italian Old Master Drawings: An Overview / Italian School, 16th-Century Drawings
Michelangelo Buonarotti (After) / Raphael / Giulio Romano / Perino del Vaga / Marcantonio Raimondi / Parmigianino
Titian (after) / Andrea Schiavone / Tintoretto / Veronese / Taddeo Zuccaro / Federico Zuccaro / Alessandro Casolani
Jacopo Palma il Giovane / Cherubino Alberti / Luca Cambiaso / Annibale Carracci / Ludovico Carracci

Italian School, 17th-Century Drawings / Bolognese School / Giovanni Baglione / Matteo Rosselli / Ercole Bazzicaluva
Baldassare Franceschini called Il Volterrano / Pier Francesco Mazzuccelli, il Morazzone / Odoardo Fialetti / Simone Cantarini
Domenichino / Francesco Albani / Giovanni Lanfranco / Guercino / Pier Francesco Mola / Antonio Busca

Italian School Printmakers, 15th-17th Centuries: Venetian School, c. 1497 / Raphael School / Giovanni Jacopo Caraglio
Marcantonio Raimondi / The Master of the Die / Anea Vico / Agostino Veneziano / Nicholas Beatrizet
Michelangelo Buonarotti (After) / Giulio Bonasone / Giovanni Battista Franco /Girolamo Fagiuoli / Cherubino Alberti
Titian (after) / Tintoretto (after) / Parmigianino / Giorgio Ghisi / Diana Scultori / Annibale Carracci / Ludovico Carracci
Agostino Carracci / Simone Cantarini / Elisabetta Sirani / Gerolamo Scarsello

Netherlandish School, 15th-17th-Century Drawings / Flemish School, 17th-Century
Bernaert van Orley / Lucas van Leyden / Maarten de Vos / Jan Baptiste de Wael / Abraham Bloemaert
Peter Paul Rubens / Philipp Sadeler / Nicolaes Maes / Rembrandt School

Netherlandish Printmakers 16th-17th Centuries: Lucas van Leyden, Maarten van Heemskerck, Cornelis Cort
Philips Galle, Abraham de Bruyn, Hans (Jan) Collaert, Adriaen Collaert, Karel de Mallery, Theodore Galle, Hendrik Goltzius
Julius Goltzius, Jacob Matham, Jan Sanraedam, Maarten de Vos, Jan Sadeler, Aegidius Sadeler, Raphael Sadeler
Crispin de Passe, Magdalena de Passe, Wierix Brothers, Rembrandt, Rembrandt School, Jan Lievens, Jan Joris van Vliet,
Ferdinand Bol, Govert Flinck
German Drawings: Hans Sebald Beham / Virgil Solis / Hans von Aachen / Joseph Heinrich Roos

German 16th century printmakers: Heinrich Aldegrever, Jost Amman, Hans Sebald Beham, Hans Brosamer, Hans Burgkmair,
Lucas Cranach, Albrecht Durer, Albrecht Durer (After), Augstin Hirschvogel, Hans Holbein (After), Hopfer Family,
Monogrammist IS with the Shovel, Georg Pencz, Hans Schäufelein, Virgil Solis, Monogrammist W.S. (Wolfgang Stuber?).

French Drawings: Charles de La Fosse / Etienne Parrocel / François Boucher / Jean-François de Neufforge / Mouricault
French printmakers: Etienne Delaunne / Rene Boyvin /Thomas de Leu / Jean Cousin the Younger / Jacques Callot
Abraham Bosse / Sebastien Bourdon / Claude Gelle "le Lorraine" / Jean LePautre
Claudine Bouzonnet Stella / Antonette Bouzonnet Stella / Gabriel Perelle

Renaissance Art and the Bible: Original Prints and Drawings
Adam and Eve / Noah / Lot and his Daughters / Joseph / Samson / Jephthah and his Daughter
David / Judith / Esther / Susanna and the Elders / The Story of Job
De Vos Old Testament Women 1 / De Vos Old Testament Women 2 / De Vos New Testament Women
The Virgin Mary / Mary Magdalen / The Woman taken in adultery
Maundy Thursday / The Crucifixion / The Lamentation / The Resurrection

18th-Century Drawings / 19th-Century Drawings / 20th-Century Drawings
Lucas van Leyden is perhaps the first great Renaissance master printmaker produced by the Netherlands. Something of a child prodigy, he was first influenced by Albrecht Durer's works toward the end of the first decade of the sixteenth century. In 1521, Lucas and Durer met during Durer's trip to the Netherlands to try to win the support of the new Regent of the Netherlands for the renewal of the pension granted him by the Emperor Maximilian I. We know from Durer's diary of the trip that they met and enjoyed each other's art and company. After Durer left, Lucas was again challenged by the quality of Durer's works to rethink his engraving. Lucas combined the native Netherlandish tradition with Durer's inspiration and the Italian style that Jan Gossaert had brought back with him when he returned from Italy after the death of Pope Adrian VI, and gave birth to a style that dominated Netherlandish printmaking for almost 100 years (thanks, in part to a Lucas van Leyden revival led by Hendrik Goltzius and his followers, Jan Saenredam and Jan Harmendsz Muller). One of the greatest printmakers of the Renaissance.

Select Bibliography: Suzanne Boorsch & Nadine M. Orenstein, The Print in the North: The Age of Albrecht Durer and Lucas Van Leyden (NY: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1997); P. van der Coelen,   Patriarchs, angels & prophets. The old testament in Netherlandish printmaking from Lucas van Leyden to Rembrandt (Amsterdam: Museum het Rembrandthuis, 1996); F.W.H. Hollstein, The graphic art of Lucas van Leyden 1494-1533 (Amsterdam: Menno Hertzberger, n.d.); F.W.H. Hollstein, The new Hollstein Dutch & Flemish etchings, engravings and woodcuts, 1450-1700: Lucas van Leyden (Rotterdam: Sound & Vision Publishers, 1996); Ellen S. Jacobowitz, and Stephanie Loeb Stepanek, The Prints of Lucas Van Leyden and His Contemporaries (Washington D.C.: National Gallery of Art / Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1983); J.P. Filedt Kok, Lucas van Leyden - Grafiek (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum, 1978); Jacques Lavalleye., Pieter Bruegel the Elder and Lucas van Leyden: The Complete Engravings, Etchings and Woodcuts (NY: Abrams, 1967); Elise Lawton Smith, The Paintings of Lucas van Leyden. A new appraisal, with catalogue raisonne (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1992); Maria Fossi Todorow, ed. Mostra delle incisioni di Luca di Leida (Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe, Uffizi: Cataloghi. 16; Firenze: Leo S. Olschki, 1963).
Christ (Bartsch 86, New Hollstein 86). Original engraving, c. 1510. Good strong impression on laid paper, trimmed on or within border. Signed with the "L" lower left. The white lines going up from the bottom margin are much exaggerated from their appearance in the actual engraving. Image size: 117x72mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
St. Peter (Bartsch 87, New Hollstein 87a). Original engraving, c. 1510. Good impression on laid paper, trimmed on or within border. Repaired wormhole in cloak, abrasions right edge. Signed with the "L" upper right. The white lines going up from the bottom margin are much exaggerated from their appearance in the actual engraving. Image size: 115x70mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
St. Paul (Bartsch 88, New Hollstein 88a). Original engraving, c. 1510. Good impression on laid paper, trimmed on or within border. Signed with the "L" lower right. Image size: 116x71mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
St. Andrew (Bartsch 89, New Hollstein 89). Original engraving, c. 1510. Very good impression on laid paper, trimmed on or within the right border. Signed with the "L" lower left. Image size: 112x72mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
St. Andrew (Bartsch 89, New Hollstein 89). Original engraving, c. 1510. Very good impression on laid paper, trimmed within the top and bottom borders. Horizontal crease 1/3 from top; several additional scratches on left side. Signed with the "L" lower left. Image size: 110x71mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
St. John the Evangelist (Bartsch 90, New Hollstein 90). Original engraving, 1510. Good impression on laid paper, trimmed on or within border. Signed with the "L" lower left. This impression was formerly in the collection of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam (Lugt 699, verso). Image size: 118x73mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
St. John the Evangelist (Bartsch 90, New Hollstein 90). Original engraving, 1510. Good impression on laid paper, trimmed on or within border. Signed with the "L" lower left. Horizontal crease 1/3 from top; repaired tear upper left. Image size: 118x73mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
St. James the Greater (Bartsch 91, New Hollstein 91). Original engraving, 1510. Good strong impression on laid paper, trimmed on or within border. Signed with the "L" lower left. Short diagonal creases upper and lower left corners; abraded bottom line at center 3/4 inch. Image size: 117x71mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
St. Thomas (Bartsch 92, New Hollstein 92). Original engraving, 1510. Good impression on laid paper, trimmed on or within border. Signed with the "L" lower right. Faint diagonal crease visible through right knee; repaired worm hole in cloak. Image size: 116x71mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
St. Judas Thaddeus (Bartsch 93, New Hollstein 93). Original engraving, c. 1510. Good impression on laid paper, trimmed on or within border. Signed with the "L" upper left. Image size: 117x73mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
St. Philip (Bartsch 95, New Hollstein). Original engraving, c. 1510. Good impression on laid paper, trimmed on or within border. Signed with the "L" lower left. Thin spots verso; diagonal scratch lower right corner. Image size: 116x71mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
St. James the Lesser (Bartsch 96, New Hollstein 96). Original engraving, c. 1510. Good impression on laid paper, trimmed on or within border. Signed with the "L" middle left side. Stain visible at left; repaired uper right corner. Image size: 115x71mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
St. Simon (Bartsch 97, New Hollstein 97). Original engraving, c. 1510. Good impression on laid paper, trimmed on or within border. Signed with the "L" lower right. Thin sspots bottom verso; repaired tear bottom center. Stray ink by saint's left foot. Image size: 115x70mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
St. Matthais (Bartsch 99, New Hollstein 99). Original engraving, c. 1510. Good impression on laid paper, trimmed on or within border. Signed with the "L" lower left. Repaired tear below saint's left foot. Image size: 113x72mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.

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