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The Story of Samson II
Women play a crucial role in the story of Samson as told in Judges 13:1-16:31. From the reptition of the statement that Samson "judged Israel twenty years" both before and after he gives in to Delilah, it seems clear that Samson's desire for Philistine women becomes the means by which God uses him to begin to humble the Philistines: if the blind Samson can slay more Philistines than he could when he still could see, shouldn't blind Israel be able to do as much if it, like Samson, calls upon God for help? Individual prints are likely to focus on the incident with the angel or on individual scenes from Samson's history; cycles can explore the story at more leisure. Click for biblical texts.
Select Bibliography: W. Th. Kloek et al, Northern Netherlandish Art 1525-1580: Art Before the Iconoclasm (Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum, 1986); H. Diane Russell, Eva / Ave: Women in Renaissance and Baroque Prints (Washington DC: The National Gallery of Art, 1990); Ellen Schultz, ed. Gothic and Renaissance Art in Nuremberg 13000-1550 (NY: Metroplitan Museum of Art, 1986).
Fools who tell secrets (chapter 51 of Das Narrenschiff). Original woodcut, 1494. Ours is an impression on laid paper from the 1520 Strasbourg edition, the last printed from Durer's woodblocks, though this woodcut, showing Dalilah giving Samson a haircut so that he can be rendered weak and captured, does not appear to be by Durer. Image size: 113x81mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
"Fool he who tells his secret plan / To wife or any other man, / Thus mighty Samson, less than wise, / Lost strength and locks and both his eyes."
Hans (Jan) Collaert (Antwerp, 1566-1628), Mater Sampsonis (New Holl. de Vos 233 i/ii). Engraving after Marten de Vos, c. 1581. Plate 11 from a set of Celebrated Women of the Old Testament consisting of twenty engravings (plus frontispiece) by Hans or Adrien Collaert and Carel van Mallery published in Antwerp by Phillip Galle (1537-1612). Samson's parents pray for a child, are told they will have a son who will redeem Israel from the Caananites, sacrifice at an altar and see the angel ascend to heaven in the smoke from the sacrifice (right rear). Image size: 154x88mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Anthonie Wierix (Antwerp, c. 1552-1624), Manoah's prayer (Alvin 90, Maquoy-Hendrickx 24 i/iv). Engraving after Maerten deVos, c. 1586. Plate 1 from The Story of Samson published in Antwerp by Gerard de Jode (Dutch, 1509-1591). Very good impression on laid paper. "G. de Jode excud / A Wierix fecit / M de Vos inuen." Image size: 211x281mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Anthonie Wierix (Antwerp, c. 1552-1624), Samson slaying the Philistines with the jawbone of an ass (Alvin 93, Maquoy-Hendrickx 27 i/iii). Engraving after Maerten deVos, c. 1586. Plate 4 from The Story of Samson published in Antwerp by Gerard de Jode (Dutch, 1509-1591). Very good impression on laid paper. (Despite appearances, the print is actually rectangular.) Image size: 211x281mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Anthonie Wierix (Antwerp, c. 1552-1624), Samson and Delilah (Alvin 95, Maquoy-Hendrickx 29 i/iv). Engraving after Maerten deVos, c. 1586. Plate 6 from The Story of Samson published in Antwerp by Gerard de Jode (Dutch, 1509-1591). Very good impression on laid paper. (The print is actually rectangular.) Image size: 211x281mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Anthonie Wierix (Antwerp, c. 1552-1624), Samson pulling down the pillars (Alvin 96, Maquoy-Hendrickx 30 i/iv). Engraving after Maerten deVos, c. 1586. Plate 7 from The Story of Samson published in Antwerp by Gerard de Jode (Dutch, 1509-1591). Very good impression on laid paper. (Despite appearances, the print is actually rectangular.) Image size: 211x281mm. Price: SOLD.
Spaightwood Galleries, Inc.
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Visiting hours: Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and Sunday noon to 6:00 pm and other times by arrangement.
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