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Antoni Tàpies (Spanish, 1923-2012): carborundum etchings from the '70s and early '80s
Les Haricots/ Beans (Galfetti 203). Original lithograph with embossing, 1969. 75 signed and numbered impressions on Papier Chiffon de Mandeure. Image size: 346x500mm Price: SOLD
La clau del foc 21 / The key to fire (Galfetti 372). Original color etching with aquatint and carborundum, 1973. 25 signed and numbered impressions on Rives paper numbered from I/XXV-XXV/XXV, 26 signed and numbered impressions on Arches paper numbered from A to Z plus several HC impressions, of which ours is one. Printed and published by Ediciones Poligrafa in Barcelona. The light violet area at the top should be a much darker tone. According to the late Dorothy Cater, head of Galeria Joan Prats New York, from whom we purchased many of our Tåpies prints during the early 1980s, this was the most sought-after image in the portfolio and one of his strongest prints. Image size: 325x485mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Petrificada Petrificante II (Galfetti 699). Original color etching with carborundum and relief, 1978. Printed on handmade Moulin de Larroque paper measuring 515x405mm by Atelier Morsang, Paris, and published by Maeght Editeur, Paris. Tàpies and Octavio Paz collaborated on a livre d'artiste containing poems by Paz and 8 etchings by Tàpies. The edition consisited of 50 books containing a set of the etchings (with three double page works with centerfolds) and a separate portfolio of 50 signed and numbered impressions on the same paper printed on paper either 515x405mm or 515x820mm depending on the size of the work; 125 books numbered from 51-175 and 20 sets of artist's s proofs numbered I-XX. Our impression is annotated HC lower left and signed in pencil by Tàpies. Image size: 515x405mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Cinta roja / Red sash (Galfetti 725). Original color etching with carborundum, 1979.This is one of the suite of 5 etchings and two lithographs that Tàpies prepared to accompany U no és ningú / Nobody is a nobody, a deluxe artist's book containing prose and poetry by Joan Brossa. The book format was 345x250mm and contained the original works printed without margins and with centerfolds. The first 157 copies of the book were accompanied by separate suites of the prints printed on larger paper measuring 733x560mm with full margins as follows: 82 roman-numbered impressions (I/LXXXII-LXXXII/LXXXII) on Guarro paper, of which the first 7 suites (I-VII) contained one of the original drawings plus all seven of the prints, the next 75 (VIII-LXXXII) contained the same suite of prints, and the last 75, numbered 1-75 contained the two lithographs and three of the etchings (Cinta Roja, Cercle, and U no és nungú) printed by Ediciones Poligrafa SA in Barcelona; There were also 10 signed impressions hors commerce and 10 signed artist's proof impressions. Our impression is numbered 67/75 lower left and signed in pencil lower right. Image size: 342x523mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
U no és ningú / Nobody is a nobody (Galfetti 727). Original color etching with carborundum, 1979. This is one of the suite of 5 etchings and two lithographs that Tàpies prepared to accompany U no és ningú / Nobody is a nobody, a deluxe artist's book containing prose and poetry by Joan Brossa. The book format was 345x250mm and contained the original works printed without margins and with centerfolds. The first 157 copies of the book were accompanied by separate suites of the prints printed on larger paper measuring 560x733mm with full margins as follows: 82 roman-numbered impressions (I/LXXXII-LXXXII/LXXXII) on Guarro paper, of which the first 7 copes (I-VII) contained one of the original drawings plus all seven of the prints, the next 75 (VIII-LXXXII) contained the same suite of prints, and the last 75, numbered 1-75 contained the two lithographs and three of the etchings (Cinta Roja, Cercle, and U no és ningú) printed by Ediciones Poligrafa SA in Barcelona; There were also 10 signed impressions hors commerce and 10 signed artist's proof impressions. Our impression is numbered 71/75 lower left and signed in pencil lower right. Image size: 342x523mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Blanc central (Galfetti 842). Original color etching and aquatint with carborundum and relief, 1982. 99 signed and numbered impressions on Guarro paper measuring 760x560mm printed and published by Ediciones Poligrafa in Barcelona; this impression is n. 34/99. There were 15 signed artist's proofs numbered I/XV-XV/XV, 15 signed HC impressions numbered I/XV-XV/XV, and 5 signed unnumbered HC impressions. Like many great artists and philosophers, the image of the skull pops up often in his work. Just as one cannot imagine St. Jerome without his lion and a skull or Hamlet without his, sometimes it is hard not to imagine Tåpies with this symbol of human mortality. Image size: 490x415mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
El Péndulo Inmóvil I (Galfetti 884, MoMA 123). Original color etching and aquatint, 1982. 75 signed & numbered impressions plus 30 roman-numeraled impressions for a portfolio published by Editart-D. Blanco, Geneva. Printed by Joan Barbara, Barcelona. This work was included in the Tàpies print retrospective held at the Museum of Modern Art in New York in 1985. Image size: 295x395mm. Price: SOLD.
Aparicions 2 (Galfetti 888). Original color etching and aquatint with carborundum and embossing, 1982. 99 signed and numbered impressions for a deluxe portfolio containing one poem by the Catalan poet Pere Gimferrer and nine engravings by Tapies on Guarro paper measuring 760x560mm printed and published by Ediciones Poligrafa in Barcelona. There were also nine portfolios containing a suite of the prints and an original gouache by the artist, 15 artist's proofs numbered I/XV-XV/XV, 15 HC impressions numbered I/XV-XV/XV, and 5 unnumbered HC impressions. The books themselves were printed on Guarro paper 450x650mm fold in two so a single page print like this one would have been on paper measuring 450x325mm. Tàpies has a great interest in Zen Buddhism and Chinese art, something suggested by this work. Image size: 410x410mm. Price: SOLD.
Aparicions 3 (Galfetti 889). Original color etching and aquatint with carborundum and embossing, 1982. 99 signed and numbered impressions for a deluxe portfolio containing one poem by the Catalan poet Pere Gimferrer and nine engravings by Tapies on Guarro paper measuring 760x560mm printed and published by Ediciones Poligrafa in Barcelona; this impression is n. 9/99. There were also nine portfolios containing a suite of the prints and an original gouache by the artist, 15 artist's proofs numbered I/XV-XV/XV, 15 HC impressions numbered I/XV-XV/XV, and 5 unnumbered HC impressions. The books themselves were printed on Guarro paper 450x650mm fold in two so a single page print like this one would have been on paper measuring 450x325mm. Tàpies has a great interest in Zen Buddhism and Chinese art, something suggested by this work. Image size: 488x365mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Un fragment de statue dans l'herbe d'un enclos encore déesert I / A fragment of a statue in a grass paddock still deserted I (Galfetti 980). Original color etching, 1984. 75 signed and numbered impressions for a deluxe portfolio containing an unpublished poem by the French poet, art and literary critic Yves Bonnefoy and three engravings by Tàpies on Arches paper measuring 650x500mm printed and published by J. Barbarà, Barrcelona and published by Editions F.B., Paris; this impression is n. 54/75. Each portfolio was signed in the colophon by the poet and the artist. The first 10 portfolios contained a signed and numbered suite if the three engravings numbered 1/10-10/10. There were also 10 signed artist's proofs numbered 1/10-10/10and 15 signed HC impressions numbered I/XV-XV/XV. Small paper flaw lower left margin. Image size: the central plate measures 290x240mm with a small notch on one side; there are also two other plates larger than the paper that left no plate mark; the work is signed at the very bottom of the sheet so that the whole sheet (measuring 650x500mm) must be floated in a mat. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Un fragment de statue dans l'herbe d'un enclos encore déesert II / A fragment of a statue in a grass paddock still deserted II (Galfetti 981). Original color etching, 1984. 75 signed and numbered impressions for a deluxe portfolio containing an unpublished poem by the French poet, art and literary critic Yves Bonnefoy and three engravings by Tàpies on Arches paper measuring 650x500mm printed and published by J. Barbarà, Barrcelona and published by Editions F.B., Paris; this impression is n. 54/75. Each portfolio was signed in the colophon by the poet and the artist. The first 10 portfolios contained a signed and numbered suite if the three engravings numbered 1/10-10/10. There were also 10 signed artist's proofs numbered 1/10-10/10and 15 signed HC impressions numbered I/XV-XV/XV. Image size: the central plate measures 290x240mm with a small notch on one side; there are also two other plates larger than the paper that left no plate mark; the work is signed at the very bottom of the sheet so that the whole sheet (measuring 650x500mm) must be floated in a mat. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Un fragment de statue dans l'herbe d'un enclos encore déesert III / A fragment of a statue in a grass paddock still deserted III (Galfetti 982). Original color etching, 1984. 75 signed and numbered impressions for a deluxe portfolio containing an unpublished poem by the French poet, art and literary critic Yves Bonnefoy and three engravings by Tàpies on Arches paper measuring 650x500mm printed and published by J. Barbarà, Barrcelona and published by Editions F.B., Paris; this impression is n. 54/75. Each portfolio was signed in the colophon by the poet and the artist. The first 10 portfolios contained a signed and numbered suite if the three engravings numbered 1/10-10/10. There were also 10 signed artist's proofs numbered 1/10-10/10and 15 signed HC impressions numbered I/XV-XV/XV. Image size: the central plate measures 290x240mm with a small notch on one side; there are also two other plates larger than the paper that left no plate mark; the work is signed at the very bottom of the sheet so that the whole sheet (measuring 650x500mm) must be floated in a mat. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
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