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Anita Jung (American, b. 1960): Original prints and monotypes
Anita Jung is the Professor of Intaglio and Print Media in the University of Iowa’s School of Art & Art History (CLAS). For an introduction to her works, please click here.
Montreal. Monotype with hand-painted varnishing, 1990. Signed and titled in pencil on the verso. The occasion for this work was the slaughter of fourteen women and the wounding of an additional ten women and four men at the École Polytechnique, an engineering school affiliated with the Université de Montréal, in "the Montreal Massacre," also known as "the École Polytechnique massacre." The killer, a 25-year old man from Montreal sent off a suicide note to a newspaper attacking the women he planned to slaughter: "I have decided to send to death the feminists who have always ruined my life. . . . Being rather backward-looking by nature [he seems to be talking about himself here], except for science, the feminists always have a talent to enrage me. They want to keep the advantages of women, cheaper insurance, extended maternity leave preceded by a preventive retreat, while trying to grab those of the men." He had apparently flunked out of the program and was enraged at what he believed must have been a conspiracy to prevent him from living a happy and successful life. In this very dark work, we can count 14 vertical red streaks bottom rightone for each of the women students he executedagainst a very dark background of shades of blue highlighted by hand-painted varnish that reflects what little light there is in this work. A dark but elegaic image of a very dark subject: the evil that lurks in the hearts of some people and erupts like a volcano when the internal pressure reaches a blasting point, killing all those in its path. Image size: 570x760mm. Mat size: 28x36 inches. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Baby don't lie. Original color monotype with collage, 1989. Baby may not lie, but he covers things up. The surface of this work is covered with small bits of torn papers that cover up bits of texts collaged beneath them. Like trees blown about in a hurricane, the surface of the piece is highly agitated whether with wind, waves, or the artist's marks. Signed and titled on the verso. Image size: 570x760mm. Mat size: 28x36 inches. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Contemplation of the wall. Original lithograph, 1988. 8 signed and numbered impressions, of which we have numbers 2/8 and 5/8. Another impression of this print is in the collection of the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Caracas, Venezuela. Image size: 570x760mm. Mat size: 28x36 inches. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Persephone. Original color monotype with etching and lithograph, 1990. According to Hesiod, Persephone was the daughter of Zeus (Jupiter in Roman mythography) and Demeter (Ceres). Hades, the god of the Underworld, lusted after her, rose up out of the earth, seized her, threw her in his chariot, and took her down to his underworld kingdom. Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, searched unsuccessfully for her daughter and ultimately refused to allow any plants to grow until Persephone was returned to her. Unfortunately, while she was in the Underworld, she had eaten 6 pomegranate seeds, and so could not return to the upper world. Ultimately, a deal was arranged so that Persephone would spend half the year above ground and Demeter would allow plants to grow while she was with her daughter, and half the year below with Hades, during which all plants would mourn and nothing would grow, hence winter. We see a dead or slumbering body lower right (presumably Demeter, who is dead to the world during the winter months) and across the top we see a group of black plants, presumably withering away during the winter. Image size: 31.5 x 47.2 inches). Please call or email for current pricing information.
Sendings: The Legend of Isis 4. Original color color mixed media, 1990. This is one of a series of twenty unique pieces, each involving etching, lithography, and collage. There is a text incised onto the left side of the work: "IRIS PHOENIX." According to Wikipedia, Iris is a genus of 260300 species of flowering plants with showy flowers. It takes its name from the Greek word for a rainbow, referring to the wide variety of flower colors found among the many species. According to Hesiod's Theogony, Iris is the daughter of Thaumas and the cloud nymph Electra. Iris is frequently mentioned as a divine messenger in Homer's Iliad, but does not appear in the Odyssey, where Hermes fills that role. Like Hermes, Iris carries a caduceus or winged staff. By command of Zeus, the king of the gods, she carries an ewer of water from the River Styx, with which she puts to sleep all who perjure themselves. As in Jung's related works dedicated to Persephone and Isis, Iris is a divine figure who serves both Zeus and the gods of the underworld, ranging from the sky to the realms below. As in Persephone, the top of the work features a number of images of plants not flowering but dead or slumbering the sleep of winter. Knife-like shapes and empty hands abound amidst a background of orange and red, tan and black. A powerful but tantalizing images that hints at more than it explicitly says. Image size: 805x1220mm. Mat size: 32.5x49 inches. Price: SOLD.
Sendings: The Legend of Isis 5. Original color color mixed media, 1990. This is one of a series of twenty unique pieces, each involving etching, lithography, and collage. There is a text incised onto the left side of the work: "MEMORY IS THE RUIN OF EXPERIENCE." When the work is displayed without Plexiglas glazing, one realizes that there are 5 very thin layers of paper collaged onto the left side of the work because when someone walks past, they flutter in the breeze created by the displacement of air. The Legend of Isis is as follows: From Geb, the sky god, and Nut, the earth goddess came four children: Osiris, Isis, Set and Nepthys. Osiris was the oldest and so became king of Egypt, and he married his sister Isis. Osiris was a good king and commanded the respect of all who lived on the earth and of the gods who dwelt in the netherworld. However his brother Set was always jealous of Osiris, because he did not command the respect of those on earth or those in the netherworld. One day, Set transformed himself into a vicious monster and attacked Osiris, killing him. Set then cut Osiris into pieces and distributed them throughout the length and breadth of Egypt. With Osiris dead, Set became king of Egypt, with his sister Nepthys as his wife. Nepthys, however, felt sorry for her sister Isis, who wept endlessly over her lost husband. Isis, who had great magical powers, decided to find her husband and bring him back to life long enough so that they could have a child. Together with Nepthys, Isis roamed the country, collecting the pieces of her husband’s body and reassembling them. Once she completed this task, she breathed the breath of life into his body and resurrected him. They were together again, and Isis became pregnant soon after. Osiris was able to descend into the underworld, where he became the lord of that domain. Image size: 805x1220mm. Mat size: 32.5x49 inches. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Object 1. Original monotype, 1990. A dense and dark work full of colors but dominated by the dark "object" at right. Are we supposed to strive to see only the bright colors obscured by the dark that surrounds them or to focus on the very dark object dropping like a stone or resting peaceably underneath a body of water. How are we to negotiate the extremes of this work? Choose one or the other? Focus on one and ignore the other? Try to imagine a whole in which they are all parts? Image size: 570x760mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Speaking in Braille. Original lithograph on buff paper, 1989. 9 signed and numbered impressions. Signed in pencil, dated, and numbered 6/9 lower right. Image size: 890x595mm. Mat size: 42x30 inches. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Speaking in Braille 1. Original color lithograph, 1989. Signed, titled, dated, and numbered 2/6 in small red letters (and numbers) above the large red letters. Image size: 252x252mm. Mat size: 20x16 inches. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Speaking in Braille 1. Original color lithograph, 1989. Signed and dated in pencil lower right; numbered 2/6 in center bottom in pencil. Image size: 252x252mm. Mat size: 20x16 inches. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Speaking in Braille 1. Original color lithograph, 1989. Signed and dated in pencil lower right; numbered 2/6 in center bottom in pencil. Image size: 252x252mm. Mat size: 20x16 inches. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Spaightwood Galleries, Inc.
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