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Renoir was the first of the Impressionists to enjoy popular success and his prints were produced in recognition of that success. Stella lists 60 prints (25 etchings and 35 lithographs) in his catalogue of Renoir's prints. Michel Melot, The Impressionist Print notes that most of Renoir's prints were produced after he had became famous and represent an attempt to satisfy the demand for his works, almost 3/4 of them having been produced after 1900 for inclusion in books and portfolios produced by Theodore Duret, the chief chronicler of the Impressionists, and Ambroise Vollard, Renoir's dealer and a great lover of the art of printmaking. One of Renoir's subjects of choiice was the human body.
Very select bibliography: Jean Leymarie et Michel Melot, Les Gravures Des Impressionistes, Manet, Pissarro, Renoir, Cezanne, Sisley. Oeuvre complet (Paris, Arts et Metiers Graphiques, 1971); Theodore Duret, Renoir (Paris: Bernheim-Jeune,1924), Michel Melot, The Impressionist Print (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1996), Claude Roger-Marx, Les Lithographies de Renoir (Monte-Carlo: Andre Sauret, 1951), Joseph G. Stella, The Graphic Work of Renoir: Catalogue Raisonne (London: Lund, Humphries, n.d.).
Nude (for Mallarme's "Pages") (Stella 3 ii/ii). Original etching, c. 1890. a brilliant impression of the second state. Edition: 50 impressions of the first state with the printed signature; second state: 325 on Holland paper (as ours) plus 50 on Japan paper after the signature was effaced. Jean Leymarie believes this was Renoir's first etching. There are no pencil-signed impressions. A very rare and sensual nude showing Renoir's mastery of the human form. Image size: 198x107mm. Price: SOLD.
Le fleuve Scamandre, 1st plate (Stella 24). Original etching and soft-ground etching, c. 1900. Ours is a superb impression with warm plate tone of the second state. Signed with the stamped signature lower right. Edition unknown (between 35 and 50 impressions were pulled of the first state; the second state (with the addition of the stamped signature) may have been similar in size. The plate was cancelled after printing. There are no restrikes of this etching, one of Renoir's most famous. Image size: 232x188mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Le fleuve Scamandre, 2nd plate (Stella 25). Original etching and soft-ground etching, c. 1900. Ours is a superb impression on cream laid paper with warm plate tone of the second state. Between 35 and 50 impressions were pulled of the first state before the plate was cut down from 270x204mm to 252x193mm); the second state (with the addition of the stamped signature) was to be published in the deluxe edition of AmbroiseVollard's Tableaux, pastels et dessins de Pierre-Auguste Renoir (Paris, 1918) in an edition of 55 on Japon and 1000 on vellum, but the etchings were removed and the books destroyed. Ours appears to be a trial proof on vellum before the addition of the stamped signature of the second state. The plate was cancelled after printing. There are no restrikes of this etching, one of Renoir's most famous. Image size: 252x193mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Femme nue assise (Stella 12). Original etching on laid paper, c. 1906. Published in the first edition of Duret's L'Histoire des peintres impressionistes (Paris, 1906). This etching was also republished in the 1909 German edition. Ours is a fine impression from the 1906 first edition. Small repaired tear in left margin well away from the image. This etching has been described as the ultimate Impressionist print. Image size: 188x149mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Baigneuse / standing bather, to mid-thighs (Stella 23). Original etching, c. 1910. A brilliant impression on laid paper which is either a proof before the the first published edition, Duret's Manet and the French Impressionists, 1910 or a very early impression from the first edition. A very rich impression of this print with rich dark plate tone, ink on the edges of the plate still printing, and rich detail in dark areas (compare the individual hairs in the other two impressions below). Image size: 168x112mm Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Baigneuse / standing bather, to mid-thighs (Stella 23). Original etching, c. 1906. Our impression from the first published edition, Duret's Manet and the French Impressionists, 1910. A very good impression of this print with good plate tone and good detail in dark areas demonstrating Renoir's mastery of the figure. Image size: 168x112mm Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Baigneuse / standing bather, to mid-thighs (Stella 23). Original etching, c. 1910. Published in various editions of Duret's Manet and the French Impressionists, 1910. Stella notes "some reprints . . . in limited editions," of which this is one. Renoir's basic design still remains, but the dark tones are being over-inked to add some contrast with a resulting a loss of detail in the hair. Image size: 168x112mm Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Femme nue couché (Stella 14). Original etching, c. 1906. Published in various editions of Theodore Duret's Impressionism, our impression has good plate tone and prints more clearly in the dark areas than this image shows. Image size: 138x199mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Femme nue couché (Stella 14). Original etching, c. 1906. Published in various editions of Theodore Duret's Impressionism. Stella notes "some reprints in limited editions," of which this is one. A later impression but with good plate-tone. Image size: 138x199mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Etude de Femme nue, assise / Study of a seated nude (Stella 42 ii/ii, Roger-Marx 18). Original lithograph, c. 1904-1905. 1000 impressions (50 on japon, 950 on vellum, as ours) for Vollard's Douze lithographies originales de Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1919). This was the first and only edition: the stone was effaced after printing. Signed with the stamped signature lower right. Image size: 190x163mm; paper size: 326x248mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Femme au cep de vigne, 1ere variante (Stella 45, Roger-Marx 20). Original lithograph, c. 1904. 1000 impressions (50 on japon, 950 on vellum, as ours) for Vollard's Douze lithographies originales de Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1919). This was the first and only edition: the stone was effaced after printing. Signed with the stamped signature lower left. Old tape marks at extreme top of the sheet (invisible when matted). Roger-Marx describes this as a "Variante au lavis" (variant with wash). Image size: 175x118mm; paper size: 329x245mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Femme au cep de vigne, 2eme variante (Stella 46, Roger-Marx 21). Original lithograph, c. 1904. 1000 impressions (50 on japon, 950 on vellum, as ours) for Vollard's Douze lithographies originales de Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1919). This was the first and only edition: the stone was effaced after printing. Signed with the stamped signature lower left. Roger-Marx describes this as a "Variante à la plume" (variant with wash). Image size: 115x85mm; paper size: 331x250mm Price: Please call or email for current pricing information
Femme au cep de vigne, 3eme variante (Stella 47, Roger-Marx 22). Original lithograph, c. 1904. 1000 impressions (50 on japon, 950 on vellum, as ours) for Vollard's Douze lithographies originales de Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1919). This was the first and only edition: the stone was effaced after printing. Roger-Marx describes this as a "Variante au lavis" (variant with wash). Signed with the stamped signature lower left. Image size: 165x104mm; paper size: 326x248mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Femme au cep de vigne, 4eme variante (Stella 48, Roger-Marx 23). Original lithograph, c. 1904. 1000 impressions (50 on japon, 950 on vellum, as ours) for Vollard's Douze lithographies originales de Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1919). This was the first and only edition: the stone was effaced after printing. Signed with the stamped signature lower left. Roger-Marx describes this as a "Variante à la plume et au lavis" (variant with pen and wash). Image size: 132x99mm; paper size: 328x252mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
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