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Joan Mitchell (1926-1992): 1990 Trees and Fields
The six lithographs below were issued together and represent some of Joan Mitchell's last work anywhere but with Ken Tyler at Tyler Graphics in Bedfor, NY. These works are simpler and more direct than the magnificent pieces she did with Tyler on which she was still working at the untimely time of her demise.
Selected Bibliography: John Ashbery, Joan Mitchell 1992 (NY: Robert Miller Gallery, 1993); Judith E. Bernstock, Joan Mitchell (NY: Hudson Hills/Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, 1988); John Cheim, Joan MItchell: ". . . my black paintings . . ." 1964 (NY: Robert Miller Gallery, 1994); James Harithas, Joan Mitchell: 'My Five Years in the Country' - An exhibition of forty-nine paintings (Syracuse: Everson Museum of Art, 1972); Klaus Kertess, Joan Mitchell (NY: Abrams, 1997); Klaus Kertess, Joan Mitchell Pastel (NY: Robert Miller Galery, 1992), Jane Livingston, The Paintings of Joan Mitchell (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002); Richard Marshall, Joan Mitchell (Valencia: IVAM, 1997); Richard D. Marshall, Joan Mitchell: The Last Paintings (NY: Cheim & Read, 2011); Joan Mitchell. Catalogue Exposition Galerie nationale du Jeu de Paume (Paris: Galerie nationale du Jeu de Paume, 1994); Suzanne Page et al, Joan Mitchell: Choix de Peintures 1970-1982 (Paris: ARC, 1982); Alfred Paquement, ed. Joan Mitchell (Paris: Galerie nationale du Jeu de Paume, 1995); Sandro Parmiggiani, ed. Joan Mitchell: La pittura dei Due Mondi / La peinture des Deux Mondes (Ginevra/Milano, 2009); Barbara Rose, Joan Mitchell: Bedford Series (Bedford: Tyler Graphics, 1981); Marcia Tucker, Joan Mitchell (NY: Whitney Museum, 1974); Michel Waldberg, Joan Mitchell (Paris: La Difference, 1999: a massive monograph347 pp. with 252 color illustrationsthat is the most important monograph on Mitchell so far, still available only in French and selling for about Please call or email for current pricing information!).
Composition Rouge / Noir: Trees. Original color lithograph, 1990. 125 signed and numbered impressions on Arches published by La Difference, Paris. Image size: 762x562mm. Price: SOLD.
Composition Bleu / Jaune: Trees. Original color lithograph, 1990. 125 signed and numbered impressions on Arches published by La Difference, Paris. Image size: 762x562mm. Price: SOLD.
Composition Jaune / Noir: Trees. Original color lithograph, 1990. 125 signed and numbered impressions on Arches published by La Difference, Paris. Image size: 762x562mm. Price: SOLD.
Champs / Fields. Original color lithograph, 1990. 60 signed and numbered impressions on wove paper published for the Carnegie Hall 100th Anniversary Portfolio and printed by Atelier Bourdas, Paris. This magnificent piece, whose central image is thick with oil inks, is one of Mitchell's largest single pieces. Image size: 1532x1022mm (60-1//4 x 40-1/8 inches). Price: SOLD.
Composition Vert / Noir: Fields. Original color lithograph, 1990. 125 signed and numbered impressions on Arches published by La Difference, Paris. Image size: 762x562mm. Price: SOLD.
Composition Jaune / Grise: Fields. Original color lithograph, 1990. 125 signed and numbered impressions on Arches published by La Difference, Paris. Image size: 762x562mm. Price: SOLD.
Composition Grise: Fields. Original color lithograph in black and gray, 1990. 125 signed and numbered impressions on Arches published by La Difference, Paris. Image size: 762x562mm. Price: SOLD.
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