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Welcome to Spaightwood Galleries, Inc.
120 Main Street, Upton MA 01568-6193
Claude Garache: Lithographs and Serigraphs, page 4
Derriere le Miroir I. Original color lithograph, 1981. 80 signed & numbered impressions on Arches paper. This lithograph comemorates n. 250 of the deluxe art rteview of the same title, three issues of which had been wholly dedicated to Garache and a fourth having seen the publication of his first two lithographs. Image size: 482x650mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Argolette. Original color loithograph, 1984. 75 signed & numbered impressions on Arches published by Galerie Maeght-Lelong. Garache told us that he found the word "Argolet" in Montaigne, where it is used to describe an archer. Garache has invented the feminine version of the noun for his woman archer. Image size: 680x525mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Argolette Claire. Original color lithograph, 1987. 17 impressions signed in the lower-right corner (though it is invisible in this web-image) with very large margins numbered from I/XVII-XVII/XVII in the lower left corner plus an unsigned edition featuring the image only with no margins. This was a Spaightwood Edition (we had 7 of the 17 impressions printed). A beautiful figure study by one of the great contemporary masters of the nude. Jean Starobinski's book, Garache (Flammarion, 1988) gives a full introduction to the work of this first "Post-Modern figurative" artist. Image size: 655x475mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Seated Woman I. Original color lithograph, 1989. 50 signed & numbered impressions. Image size: 304x246mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Seated Woman II. Original color lithograph, 1989. 18 signed & numbered impressions. Image size: 312x247mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Affiche avant lettre Roland Garros. Original color serigraph, 1990. 90 signed & numbered impressions on Canson teinté paper of which ours is one; signed in green pencil lower right, numbered in green pencil lower left. There is also a poster version with lettering for the French National Tennis Open. This screenprint marks two firsts: it was the first time a woman has ever been pictured on the poster for the French Open and the first clothed figure Garache had done since he painted all of the "Van Gogh" and "Gauguin" paintings that appeared in the movie Lust for Life. Image size: 775x613mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Actually, I just noticed that the impression I photographed is not signed and numbered, but a signed HC impression "à Sonja et Andy." We do, however, have at least 4 signed and numbered impressions available for sale.
For the month of August, we are offering them for Please call or email for current pricing information (shipping in the U.S. included).
P.S. We have seen the unsigned poster edition (with printed text) selling for Please call or email for current pricing information +.
Angleberte I. N. Original color lithograph & phototypie, 1995. 60 signed & numbered impressions. Commissioned and published by the Imprimerie Nationale, Paris. Althouogh M. Garache has tried several times to explain to me what kind of printing process "phototypie" is, the exact meaning still eludes me. Signed in pencil lower right, numbered lower left. Image size: 700x540mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Spaightwood Galleries, Inc.
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Visiting hours: Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and Sunday noon to 6:00 pm and other times by arrangement.
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