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Spaightwood Galleries
Last updated: 6/23/2019
Spaightwood Galleries Presents
20th-Century Art by Women
October 6November 12, 2000
Closing Reception: Sunday, November 12, from noon to 6 p.m.
This omnibus show presents some of our personal favorites from our gathering of the works that 40 years ago would not have been found in a standard work like Janson's History of Art but which are now recognized as powerful and, in many cases, classic works.
Many of these works will be familiar either from visits to Spaightwood or to museums; some, we hope, will surprise, including works from a portfolio by the noted Czech surrealist Toyen (a retrospective of whose works was on view last summer while Sonja was in residence there) and two new works by the always elusive Leonor Fini, who has been characterized as the "leading female associate" of Paul Eluard and Max Ernst, located "firmly within the all-embracing arms of Surrealist thought" in Paris. What these works have in common is their high quality; what they offer is, in many cases, a different perspective on some of the most important tendencies in 20th-century art.
Spaightwood Galleries, located in the former Unitarian Church in Upton MA on the corner of Main Street (Highway 140) and Maple Avenue, is available on Saturdays and Sundays from noon to 6 p.m. and by mutual arrangement at other times.
Helen Frankenthaler, Grey Fireworks. Original 63-color silkscreen, Feb. 2000. Edition: 108 signed and numbered impressions on Somerset Textured rag paper plus 18 artists proofs. Image size: 710x1168mm (28"x46"). Price: SOLD.
Verbrüderung / Fraternal love (Kl. 199b). Original lithograph, 1924. Edition: 400 signed impressions. A good impression with the remains of old paper-tape around the borders verso. A powerful image of the possibility of humanity's search for love as a relief from pain and oppression. Included in German Expressionist Prints & Drawings, 1989 (LACMA, p. 52). Images size: 235x170mm. Price Please call or email for current pricing information.
Der Agitationsredner / The Agitator (Kl. 224). Original lithograph, 1926. Edition: 25 signed impressions on Japan, 50 signed impressions on white Bütten, and an unsigned impression. Ours is one of the 50 on white Bütten. A powerful and painful study of the politics of the 1920s. Image size: 314x216mm. Price: 3900.