Spaightwood Galleries
Antoni Tàpies (Spanish, b. 1923): Larger vertical lithographs.
Affiche avant la lettre 104 (Galfetti 147). Original color lithograph, 1967. 150 signed & numbered impressions before text advertising an exhibition of Tàpies' works at Galerie Maeght, Paris; ours is n. 84/150. Printed on Arches paper by Imprimerie Arte and published by Galerie Maeght, Paris. There was also an unsigned edition with a text on lightweight paper. Image size: 665x500mm. Price: $3750.
Affiche avant la lettre 104 (Galfetti 161). Original color lithograph, 1968. 150 signed & numbered impressions before text advertising an exhibition of Tàpies' inks and collages on paper at Galerie Maeght, Paris; ours is n. 67/150. Printed on Arches paper by Imprimerie Arte and published by Galerie Maeght, Paris. There was also an unsigned edition with a text on lightweight paper. Image size: 745x580mm. Price: $3750.
Affiche avant la lettre Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris (Galfetti 349). Original color lithograph, 1973. 150 signed & numbered impressions before text advertising a retrospecive of Tàpies' works; ours is n. 137/150. Printed on Arches paper by Imprimerie Arte and published by Galerie Maeght, Paris. There was also an unsigned edition with a text on lightweight paper. Image size: 725x500mm. Price: $4500.
500 anys del llibre catala / 500 years of Catalonian books (Galfetti 401). Original color lithograph, 1974. 99 signed & numbered impressions printed by Imprimerie Ediciones La Poligrafa SA, Barcelona and published by Ed. Agrupacio Cientifico-excursionist, Mataro. The title and image also suggest a celebration of 500 years of free Catalonia, but since its conquest by Spain 500 years earlier, Catalonia had not been free in the eyes of many Catalonians. The title, then, would be quite ironic to a Catalonian nationalist like Tàpies, hence the yellow and red bars (the colors of the Catalonian flag) with a big "X" slashing through them. Image size: 760x560mm. Price: $4650.
Affiche avant la lettre Galerie Maeght (Galfetti 719). Original color lithograph, 1979. 150 signed & numbered impressions before text advertising an exhibition of Tàpies' works; ours is n. 119/150. Printed on Arches paper by Imprimerie Arte and published by Galerie Maeght, Paris. There was also an unsigned edition with a text on lightweight paper. Image size: 650x500mm. Price: $4750.
Affiche avant la lettre "U no és ningu" / Nobody is a nobody (Galfetti 721). Original color lithograph, 1979. 99 signed & numbered impressions printed by Imprimerie Ediciones La Poligrafa SA, Barcelona and published by Galeria Joan Prats, Barcelona; ours is n. 6/99. Published on the occasion of a book by the Catalonia poet Joan Brossa and ilustrated with original etchings by Tàpies. Image size: 760x560mm. Price: $4650.
Affiche avant la lettre Incitation a la Creation / Incitements to creation (Galfetti 1070). Original color lithograph with heavy embossing, 1987. 100 signed & numbered impressions printed by Atelier Lelong, Paris and published by Centre international de creation artistique, Arles. There is also an edition of this print with text on poster text for the exhibition of Tàpies sculptures et reliefs muraux. Galfetti mistakenly gives an edition size of 75, but we had 10 impressions of the before the letters edition (AAL) purchased directly from Galerie Lelong (of which this is our last, alas). Image size: 760x520mm. Price: $5250.
Variation on a musical theme II. Original lithograph with heavy embossing, 1987. 75 signed & numbered impressions printed by Damia Caus at Litografias Artisticas, Barcelona, and published by Galerie Lelong, Paris. This is one of 20 Variations sur en thème musical that Tàpies made in 1987. Along with carborundum, embossing clearly offers another tool at Tàpies' disposal to introduce 3-dimensionality into his works on paper. Image size: 701x540mm. Price: $6250.
Marron diagonal (Galfetti 156). Original color lithograph, 1968. 75 signed & numbered impressions plus several HC impressions, of which this is one. Image size: 1015x730mm (40x28-3/4 inches). Price: $7700.
Affiche avant lettre Les Sables d'Olonne (Galfetti 692). Original color lithograph, 1978. 150 signed and numbered impressions without text on Arches printed by Imprimerie Arte, Paris and published by Musée de l'Abbaye de Sainte-Croix, Les Sables d'Olonne. There is also and edition of unknown size with poster text on thinner paper. Our impression is n. 133/150. Image size: 870x610mm. Price: $5000.
Scotch (Galfetti 393). Original lithograph, 1974. 120 signed & numbered impressions numbered from 1/120-120/120, 40 impressions I/XL-XL/XL, and several signed artist's proofs, of which ours is one. Printed and published by the Erker-Presse in St. Galle, Switzerland on Rives paper. The work suggests a shop window with a notice, held up by Scotch tape, posted on the outside. However, the notice and the marks reflected in the shop glass are not the kind of quick communications that one might expect of public notices. To a pessimist, however, the piece grandly summarizes the effectiveness of written communication in the 20th century. Image size: 770x550mm. Paper size: 900x630mm. Price: $4750.
Pied marron (G. 975). Original color lithograph, 1982. 75 signed & numbered impressions, of which this is 39/75. Exhibited at the Palazzo Reale in Milan as part of their 1985 retrospective of Tapies paintings, drawings, and prints. Image size: 1110x755mm. Price: $8250.
Affiche avant lettre Senanque I (G. 926). Original color lithograph, 1983. 85 signed and numbered impressions on Arches paper of which this is 17/85. Printed by Atelier Lelong, Paris and published by Galerie Lelong, Paris; there were also 9 signed and numbered HC impressions and 6 signed and numbered artist's proofs. There was also an edition of unknown size on poster paper with a text announcing the dates of an exhibion of Tàpies' work at the Abbaye de Sénanque, Gordes. Image size: 845x600mm (845x23-1/2 inches). Price: $5000.
Affiche avant lettre 231 (Galfetti 964). Original color lithograph, 1984. 120 signed and numbered impressions on Rives paper of which this is 13/120. Printed by Atelier Lelong, Paris and published by Galerie Lelong, Paris. There was also an edition of unknown size of poster paper with a text announcing the dates of an exhibion of Tàpies' work at the Galerie Lelong. Image size: 900x600mm (35-7/16x23-1/2 inches). Price: $5000.
Llibertat / Liberty. Original color lithograph, 1988. Edition: 300 signed and numbered impressions plus 30 artists proofs printed by Galerie Lelong, Paris, for the 1988 Olympic Print Portfolio. The work was never published because the Olympic Portfolio publisher went bankrupt. We have been told by one of the principal creditors that while the prints were in storage awaiting the outcome of the bankruptcy proceedings, many of the prints were ruined by water damage. All of our impressions, however, are in excellent condition; at one point we had almost 50 impressions from this edition; we are down to our last 6. Image size: 892x590mm. Price: $4650.
Affiche avant lettre 1990. Original color lithograph, 1990. 100 signed and numbered impressions on Arches (of which ours is one) plus an unsigned poster edition with a printed text. Printed by Atelier Lelong, Paris and published by Galerie Lelong, Paris. Image size: 775x613mm (30-1/2x24-1/8 inches). Price: $4650
For reasons not yet clear to me, I cannot accurately reproduce the color of this piece. which is actually deeper and darker.
Antoni Tàpies (Spanish, b. 1923), Calligraphique. Original lithograph, 1987. 75 signed & numbered impressions. Shortly before his death Robert Motherwell acclaimed Tàpies as the greatest living European artist. Tàpies’ prints have always been recognized as a major part of his oeuvre, and were celebrated in a retrospective organized by The Museum of Modern Art in 1991 that circulated to a number of museums in the US, Central and South America from 1991 to 1993. For additional works by Tapies (we have over 150 different pieces), go to our Tapies pages. Image size: 1160x770mm; framed: 56x40 inches. Price: $15,000.
Spaightwood Galleries, Inc.
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