Spaightwood Galleries
120 Main Street, Upton MA 01568-6193; 800-809-3343
Joan Miró, 1974-79
Le Courtesan Grotesque I (Dupin 661, Cramer 182). Original etching & aquatint, 1974. 15 signed & numbered impressions (of which ours is one) plus 12 unsigned impressions, all on china paper. There are also 110 unsigned impressions printed in color. Except for 10 sets H.C., there are no individually signed color impressions. Each of the 110 portfolios is signed by Miró. Printed by Lacourière for Ilziad. Image size: 415x582mm. Price: $12,500.
Le Courtesan Grotesque I (Dupin 663, Cramer 182). Original etching & aquatint, 1974. 15 signed & numbered impressions (of which ours is one) plus 12 unsigned impressions, all on china paper. There are also 110 unsigned impressions printed in color. Except for 10 sets H.C., there are no individually signed color impressions. Each of the 110 portfolios is signed by Miró. Printed by Lacourière for Ilziad. Image size: 415x582mm. Price: Price: $12,500.
Journal d'un Graveur, vol. I (Dupin 781). Original drypoint, 1975. 75 signed & numbered impressions plus 10 HC Rives vellum. (Our impression is n. 11/75.) Published by Miró's dealer, Maeght Editeur. The title suggests that we are to "read" these drypoints as if they were the personal notes of the artist to himself. They thus offer a glimpse into Miró's imagination. Image size: 575x450mm. Price: $7650.
Journal d'un Graveur, vol. I (Dupin 783). Original drypoint, 1975. 75 signed & numbered impressions plus 10 HC Rives vellum. (Our impression is n. 11/75.) Published by Miró's dealer, Maeght Editeur. The title suggests that we are to "read" these drypoints as if they were the personal notes of the artist to himself. They thus offer a glimpse into Miró's imagination. Image size: 575x450mm. Price: $7650.
Maravillas con varaciones acrósticas I (M. 1053). Original lithograph, 1975. XV signed & numbered impressions from the black stone for the deluxe edition of the portfolio. There are also 95 signed & numbered impressions printed in color plus 1815 impressions in color, printed on smaller paper and signed in the stone. Ours is a signed impression from the black stone annotated H.C. Image size: 745xs525mm. Price: $6250.
Fundacio Joan Miro Avant la Lettre (M. 1090). Original lithograph, 1976. 90 signed & numbered impressions before lettering + 2000 impressions with lettering. (Miro's Posters, 90). Ours is a signed proof (H.C.) of the black stone,. Ours is a signed impression from the black stone annotated H.C., one of only "several copies" so printed. A very richly printed impression with at least two layers of different black inks piled upon each other. Rare. Image size: 698x497mm. Price: $5900.
Le Miroir secret du feu et du froid (Dupin 980). Original etching, aquatint, and carborundum, 1977. 60 signed and numbered impressions on Rives and printed in Paris by Fequet & Baudier; published by Gérald Cramer, Geneva. Published as an "Hommage á San Lazzaro," the central motif in this print comes from a 1938 linocut Miro executed for the deluxe art review, XXe Siecle (see Miro1930s), founded and edited by San Lazzaro. Image size: 305x232mm. Price: $15,000.
Album 21: 10 (Maeght 1135). Original color lithograph, 1966-78. 75 signed & numbered impressions for Album 21 plus 15 impressions signed and annotated i/XV-XV/XV. Done in lithographic crayon on Velin d'Arches paper, this piece has the feel of a crayon drawing in one of Miró's deceptively-simple stylistic modes. Image size: 655x500mm. Price: $8650.
Album 21: 18 (Maeght 1143). Original color lithograph, 1966-78. 75 signed & numbered impressions for Album 21 plus 15 impressions signed and annotated i/XV-XV/XV. Done in lithographic crayon on Velin d'Arches paper, this piece has the feel of a crayon drawing in one of Miró's deceptively-simple stylistic modes. Image size: 500x655mm. Price: $7650.
Album 21: 3 (Maeght 1128). Original color lithograph, 1966-78. 75 signed & numbered impressions for Album 21 plus 15 impressions signed and annotated i/XV-XV/XV. Done in lithographic crayon on Velin d'Arches paper, this piece has the feel of a crayon drawing in one of Miró's deceptively-simple stylistic modes. Image size: 500x655mm. Price: $6650.
La Rana / The Frog (M. 1177) Original color lithograph, 1978. 50 signed & numbered impressions printed by Maeght (Paris) and published by Cuadernos Guadalimar, Madrid. Ours is an impression annotated H.C. Image size: 318x365mm. Price: $4600.
Bon cop de lluna / A good moonburn (M. 1181). Original color lithograph, 1979. 75 signed & numbered impressions plus 25 impressions signed and annotated HC i/XXV-XXV/XXV. One of Miró's most delightful lithographs. Image size: 885x610mm. Price: SOLD.
Spaightwood Galleries, Inc.
To purchase, call us at 1-800-809-3343 (508-529-2511 in Upton MA & vicinity) or send an email to sptwd@verizon.net. We accept AmericanExpress, DiscoverCard, MasterCard, and Visa.
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Visiting hours: Saturday and Sunday noon to 6 pm and other times by arrangement.
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