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Spaightwood Galleries

120 Main Street, Upton MA 01568-6193

Last updated: 8-22-10
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Wassily Kandinsky (Russian, 1866-1944)

Kandinsky 1 / Kandinsky 2 / Kandinsky 3 / Kandinsky 4
German Expressionism: Survey I / Survey II / Survey III

"Käthe Kollwitz and German Expressionism" featured over fifty works by Käthe Kollwitz plus additional works by Ernst Barlach, Rudolf Bauer, Max Beckmann, Peter Behrens, Heinrich Campendonck, Marc Chagall, Lovis Corinth, Otto Dix, Lyonel Feininger,
Conrad Felixmuller, Hans Fronius, Alfons Graber, Otto Greiner, Georg Grosz, Erich Heckel, Hannah Hoch, Karl Hofer,
Wassily Kandinsky, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Paul Klee, Oskar Kokoschka, Ludwig Meidner, Edvard Munch,
Gabrielle Munter, Heinrich Nauen, Emile Nolde, Max Pechstein, Hilla von Rebay, Georges Rouault, Rudolf Schlichter,
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Siegfried Schott, Georg Tappert, Wilhelm Wagner, and others.

German Expressionist Drawings

The Russians: Chagall, Sonia Delaunay, Goncharova, Larionov, and Malevich
Grosse Aufestehung / Great Resurrection (Roethel 138). Original color woodcut, 1911. Edition: 345 impressions signed in the block with the monogram for Klange / Sounds (1913). There was also an edition of c. 1200 impressions printed from the original block with the authorization of Kandinsky's widow. Nina, in 1951. This image was included in an exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art on Modern Prints in Books. Image size: 219x218mm. Price: $1275.
Motif aus Improvisation 25: The Garden of Love (Roethel 105). Original woodcut, 1911. Edition: 345 impressions signed in the block with the monogram for Klange / Sounds (1913). There was also an edition of c. 1200 impressions printed from the original block with the authorization of Kandinsky's widow. Nina, in 1955. Illustrated in Roethel, The Graphic Work of Kandinsky: A Loan Exhibition (NY: The International Exhibitions Foundation, 1974), From Manet to Hockney: Modern Artists' Illustrated Books (Victoria and ALbert Museum), p. 131 and A Breadth of Vision: The Ritz Collection (Milwaukee Art Museum, 1992), p. 21. Image size: 216x219mm. Price: $1175.
Composition for Cahiers d'Art (1930) (Roethel 193). Original 3-color woodcut, 1930. Edition: 610 impressions for the deluxe art review Cahiers d'Art published in Paris in 1930. Monogrammed in the block lower left. Illustrated in The Graphic Work of Kandinsky (ed. H. K. Roethel), the cataolgue of an exhibition at the Guggenheim, the Phillips Collection in Washington D.C., and 10 other museums. This is the only printing of this important late woodcut. Rare! Image size: 219x110mm. Price: SOLD.
Comets (Inventaire du Fonds Francais S. 5). Original color lithograph, 1938. Edition: as published in the deluxe art review, Verve, in 1938. Both the Grohman and Berggruen (Paris) catalogs list this work as an original lithograph. See Barnett 1216 for the gouache Kandinsky executed in preparation for this work. Signed with the monogram in the stone Image size: 354x260mm. Price: $1250.
Stars (Inventaire du Fonds Francais S. 6). Original color lithograph, 1938. Edition: as published in the deluxe art review, Verve, in 1938. Both the Grohman and Berggruen (Paris) catalogs list this work as an original lithograph. Signed with the monogram in the stone. Image size: 354x260mm. Price: $1250.
Composition fur XXe Siécle (Roethel 201). Original 2-color woodcut, 1939. Edition: published by the deluxe art review, XXe Siecle, in 1939. The edition was between 1000 and 1200 impressions, half of which were intended to be sold in Europe and half in the USA. The USA issue was prevented by the outbreak of the war and a large percentage of the whole edition was lost during the war. There are no signed and numbered impressions and no restrikes. Ours is a fine impression on thin wove paper in good condition except for a slight handling crease across the upper right corner. This is the only color woodcut Kandinsky made in the later period of his life. Illustrated in Roethel, The Graphic Work of Kandinsky: A Loan Exhibition (NY: The International Exhibitions Foundation, 1974) and Vivian Endicott Barnet, Kandinsky at the Guggenheim (NY: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1983), p. 291. This is the only printing of this important late woodcut. Rare! Image size: 210x170mm. Price: $4750.
10 Origin (Roethel 203). Original woodcut, 1942. Edition: 100 pencil-signed signed impressions. There was also an edition of c. 2000 impressions printed from the original block with the authorization of Kandinsky's widow and published by the deluxe art review, XXe Siecle. Ours is an impression on Arches from the latter edition. Illustrated in Roethel, The Graphic Work of Kandinsky: A Loan Exhibition (NY: The International Exhibitions Foundation, 1974. Image size: 210x170mm. Price: $900.

Spaightwood Galleries, Inc.

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Visiting hours: Saturday and Sunday noon to 6 pm and other times by arrangement.
Please call to confirm your visit. Browsers and guests are welcome.