Spaightwood Galleries

Updated 3/31/09
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Claude Garache (French, b. 1929) Bleue V and Bleue VI

Garache Paintings / Garache Drawings / Garache Drawings 2

Garache Suite Rouge Sur Ingres Rose / Garache Suite Vermillon Sur Ingres Gris_clair / Garache Ebauche du feminin
Garache Lithographs 4

Aquatints 1: 1965-72 / Aquatints 2: 1972-77 / Aquatints 3: 1977-80 / Aquatints 4: 1980-83
Aquatints 5: 1983-88 / Aquatints 6: 1987-91 / Aquatints 7: 1991-97 / Garache Specials: Bleue V & VI

For an introduction to Claude Garache (French, b. 1929) and a select bibliography, click here.
In 1993, we went to Paris to discuss, among other things, the etching that Garache had agreed to execute for Volume 2 of the monograph series Graven Images: Studies in Culture Law, and the Sacred: The Body. In the course of a very agreeable visit, during which we also purchased some of his paintings and drawings, we asked Garache if he might be willing to allow us to purchase one of his large aquatints, preferable executed in blue and red (we had one of his early works in that combination and thought it exceptionaly beautiful; we had been very pleased when he returned to that combination in 1988 and 1989 with Bleue III and Bleue IV. "Of course," he said, and six months later sent us two proofs, saying we could choose one, or both, or neither. "Of course," we said, quickly opting for both! In due course, the prints arrived and we immediately received a phone call from the then-President of the World Bank, inquiring about whether he might purchase a pair of the prints. "Of course," we said happily, and we have continued to be in love with the remaining impressions to this day, hanging a pair of them side by side in the lower gallery, where we pass by them many times every day.
Bleue VI. Original color aquatint and etching, 1994. Printed by Maurice Felt in Paris and published by Spaightwood Galleries. 25 signed and numbered impressions plus 3 e.a. and 6 H.C. impressions. Image size: 820x610mm. Price: $1500.
Bleue V. Original color aquatint and etching, 1994. Printed by Maurice Felt in Paris and published by Spaightwood Galleries. 25 signed and numbered impressions plus 3 e.a. and 6 H.C. impressions. Image size: 820x610mm. Price: $1500.
Bleue V. Original color aquatint and etching, 1994. Printed by Maurice Felt in Paris and published by Spaightwood Galleries. 25 signed and numbered impressions plus 3 e.a. and 6 H.C. impressions. Image size: 820x610mm. Price: $1500.
Bleue VI. Original color aquatint and etching, 1994. Printed by Maurice Felt in Paris and published by Spaightwood Galleries. 25 signed and numbered impressions plus 3 e.a. and 6 H.C. impressions. Image size: 820x610mm. Price: $1500.
Bleue V and Bleue VI framed in 40x32 inch maple frames filling up most of a 9 foot wall in the main gallery (the stained glass windows across the way are visible reflected in the glass of the frames). They were featured in our 2005 opening exhibition at our gallery in Upton MA after our move from our former venue in Madison WI.

Spaightwood Galleries, Inc.

To purchase, call us at 1-800-809-3343 (508-529-2511 in Upton MA & vicinity) or send an email to We accept AmericanExpress, DiscoverCard, MasterCard, and Visa.

For directions and visiting information, please call. We are, of course, always available over the web and by telephone (see above for contact information). Click the following for links to past shows and artists. For a visual tour of the gallery, please click here. For information about Andy Weiner and Sonja Hansard-Weiner, please click here. For a list of special offers currently available, see Specials.

Visiting hours: Noon to six Saturdays and Sundays; other times by arrangement. Please call to confirm your visit. Browsers and guests are welcome.