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Spaightwood Galleries

120 Main Street, Upton MA 01568-6193; 800-809-3343

Updated 8-29-10
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Henri Matisse (French, 1869-1954): Pochoirs

Matisse 1: 1929 Pochoirs / Matisse 2: Ulysses (1935) and Paris 1937 / Matisse 3: Linocuts 1939-1950
Matisse 4: Pasiphae (1944), Ronsard (1948), and Apollinaire (1952) / Matisse 5: Images of Women, 1938-1952
Matisse: Repli 1947 / Matisse 6: Last Works / Matisse 7: Blue Nudes (1950-1954)

Gauguin / Camoin / Derain / Rouault / Vlaminck
If one were to list the most important artists of the twentieth century, Henri Matisse's name would surely come very close to the top of the list . Matisse's career has been chronicled in hundreds of books and museum retrospectives (the recent show at the Museum of Modern Art, a longtime supporter of his work, and its giant accompanying catalogue, whose bibliography lists the most important of those, make it possible to easily chart his work and its impact upon the artists of our times). Matisse produced many prints in various media during his life. His nudes in lush interiors, his figure stides, his still lifes, all proclaim his mastery of color and line.
La branche de Lilas, 1914 / The lilacs. Color pochoir (hand-colored stencil print) after a painting, 1924. Published in L'Art d'Aujourd'hui (Editions Albert Morancé, 1924). There was a deluxe edition of 100 containing an original signed lithograph by Matisse; the size of the remainder of the edition is unknown. The pochoirs were executed under Matisse's supervision. This beautiful hand-colored piece, based upon a 1914 painting by Matisse, is one of the few early color prints in Matisse's print oeuvre. Image size: 212x139mm. Price: $1750.
Femme en robe brune, accoudée, 1922 / Seated woman in brown dress. Color pochoir (hand-colored stencil print) after a painting, 1924. Published in L'Art d'Aujourd'hui (Editions Albert Morancé, 1924). There was a deluxe edition of 100 containing an original signed lithograph by Matisse; the size of the remainder of the edition is unknown. The pochoirs were executed under Matisse's supervision. This beautiful hand-colored piece, based upon a 1924 painting by Matisse, is one of the few early color prints in Matisse's print oeuvre. Image size: 179x125mm. Price: $1750.
La séance du matin, 1924 / The morning session. Color pochoir (hand-colored stencil print) after a painting, 1924. Published in L'Art d'Aujourd'hui (Editions Albert Morancé, 1924). There was a deluxe edition of 100 containing an original signed lithograph by Matisse; the size of the remainder of the edition is unknown. The pochoirs were executed under Matisse's supervision. This beautiful hand-colored piece, based upon a 1924 painting by Matisse, is one of the few early color prints in Matisse's print oeuvre. Image size: 197x159mm. Price: $1750.
La séance de trois heures, 1924 / The 3 p.m. session. Color pochoir (hand-colored stencil print) after a painting, 1924. Published in L'Art d'Aujourd'hui (Editions Albert Morancé, 1924). There was a deluxe edition of 100 containing an original signed lithograph by Matisse; the size of the remainder of the edition is unknown. The pochoirs were executed under Matisse's supervision. This beautiful hand-colored piece, based upon a 1924 painting by Matisse, is one of the few early color prints in Matisse's print oeuvre. Image size: 205x160mm. Price: $1750.
Oliviers, 1924 / Olive trees. Color pochoir (hand-colored stencil print) after a painting, 1924. Published in L'Art d'Aujourd'hui (Editions Albert Morancé, 1924). There was a deluxe edition of 100 containing an original signed lithograph by Matisse; the size of the remainder of the edition is unknown. The pochoirs were executed under Matisse's supervision. This beautiful hand-colored piece, based upon a 1924 painting by Matisse, is one of the few early color prints in Matisse's print oeuvre. Image size: 161x197mm. Price: $1750.
Odalisque sur fond rouge. Color pochoir (hand-colored stencil print) after a painting, 1929. 500 impressions for Florent Fels' Henri Matisse, published in Paris by XXe Siecle. The pochoirs were executed under Matisse's supervision. This beautiful hand-colored piece is one of the few early color prints in Matisse's print oeuvre. Image size: 154x224mm. Price: $2,675.
Odalisque au tambourin. Color pochoir (hand-colored stencil print after a study for the painting of the same title), 1929. 500 impressions for Florent Fels' Henri Matisse, published 1929 in Paris by XXe Siecle. The pochoirs were executed under Matisse's supervision. This beautiful hand-colored piece is one of the few early color prints in Matisse's print oeuvre. The painting upon which thos pochoir is based is reproduced on the rear cover of Matisse: Painter as Sculptor (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007) and illustrated within on p. 221. Image size: 223x162mm. Price: $2,875.
Harmonie jaune. Color pochoir (hand-colored stencil print) after a painting, 1929. 500 impressions for Florent Fels' Henri Matisse, published 1929 in Paris by XXe Siecle. The pochoirs were executed under Matisse's supervision. This beautiful hand-colored piece is one of the few early color prints in Matisse's print oeuvre. Image size: 162x162mm. Price: $2,875.
Le Buffet. Color pochoir (hand-colored stencil print) after a painting, 1929. 500 impressions for Florent Fels' Henri Matisse, published 1929 in Paris by XXe Siecle. The pochoirs were executed under Matisse's supervision. This beautiful hand-colored piece is one of the few early color prints in Matisse's print oeuvre. Our impression is illustrated in Donna Anderson, Experience Printmaking (Worcester MA: Davis Publications, 2009; their image, unfortunately, is too dark; ours is correct). Image size: 163x200mm. Price: $2325.

Spaightwood Galleries, Inc.

To purchase, call us at 1-800-809-3343 (508-529-2511 in Upton MA & vicinity) or send an email to We accept AmericanExpress, DiscoverCard, MasterCard, and Visa.

Spaightwood Galleries is located at 120 Main St (aka Highway 140) in Upton MA at the corner of Main St and Maple Ave in a rehabilitated Unitarian Church. For directions and visiting information, please call. We are, of course, always available over the web and by telephone (see above for contact information). Click the following for links to past shows and artists. For a visual tour of the gallery, please click here. For information about Andy Weiner and Sonja Hansard-Weiner, please click here. For a list of special offers currently available, see Specials.

Visiting hours: Saturday and Sunday noon to six and other times by arrangement.
Please call to confirm your visit. Browsers and guests are welcome.
Impressionist and Post-Impressionist Prints and Drawings: Prints by Pierre Bonnard, Georges Braque, Charles Camoin, Mary Cassatt, Paul Cezanne, Henri Edmond Cross, Edgar Degas, Sonia Delaunay,
Maurice Denis, André Derain, Susanne Duchamp, Raoul Dufy, Jean-Louis Forain, Paul Gauguin,
Marie Laurencin, Edouard Manet, Henri Matisse, Berthé Morisot, Pablo Picasso, Pierre Auguste Renoir,
Georges Rouault, Ker Xavier Roussel, Paul Signac, Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, Suzanne Valadon,
Maurice de Vlaminck, James A. McNeill Whistler, and others.

Drawings by Albert Besnard, Andre Barbier, Henri Edmond Cross, Jean-Louis Forain, Eva Gonzales,
Marie Laurencin, Maximilien Luce, and Georges Rouault.

Hand-colored prints by Mary Cassatt, Marc Chagall, Sonja Delaunay, Fernand Léger, Joan Miró,
Henri Matisse, and Pablo Picasso.

For a review of the show that concludes, "Art exhibits in Madison rarely get this good," click review.