Spaightwood Galleries

Updated 3/9/06
Home / Gallery Tour 1 / Brinkman 2000 / Gallery Tour 2 / Artists

Jonna Rae Brinkman (American, b. 1960): Paintings on canvas I

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Brinkman / Brinkman 2 / Brinkman 3 / Brinkman 4 / Brinkman 5 / Brinkman 6 / Brinkman 7
Brinkman / Brinkman Self Portraits 2 / Brinkman Self Portraits 3 / Brinkman Self Portraits 4 / Brinkman Self Portraits 5
Brinkman Pastels / Heroic Poetry / 20th-Century Drawings
Frankenthaler / Miró / Mitchell / Motherwell / Nevelson / Tapies
The Window. Oil on canvas, 1995. This was one of several pieces submitted to the competition for the School of the Art Institute's Edward Ryerson Prize for painting the year that it was awarded to Brinkman. Image size: 50x48 in. Price: $5000.
Wings of clarity. Oil on canvas, 1996. Image size: 40x38 in. Price: $3500.
The safe river. Oil on canvas, 1996. Image size: 34x36 in. Price: SOLD.
Ambroise Vollard contemplating the spectre of Giacometti. Oil on canvas, 1997-1999. Image size: 34x36 in. Price: $3500.
Swear to me. Oil on canvas, 1997. Image size: 30x24 in. Price: $2500.

Spaightwood Galleries, Inc.

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Visiting hours: flexible. Call for availablility. Browsers and guests are welcome.