Spaightwood Galleries
Twentieth-Century Drawings
When we first began to acquire drawings, we found it natural to look closer to home, to the artists whose works we were showing at the gallery, whom we knew and liked, who were available to answer questions when we had the courage to ask them. So we turned to Claude Garache, Joanet Artigas, Gerard Titus-Carmel, Jim Bird, Manel Lledos, Wayne Taylor and others, talked to them about why they did drawings, when they knew they had succeeded, and why they thought they fell short when they were not totally happy with the results. The experience of watching Jim Bird edit himself by looking at a mixed media piece, pointing to an area with which he was not satisfied, talking about how he might fix it, and then tearing it into strips because he thought it would be better to start over will never fade from our minds. We also remember Joanet Artigas telling us about his working habits. He draws everywhere he goes on small pocket-size pads. Every night he selects a few drawings from the day's harvest and works on them on roughly 13"x20"sheets; every few weeks, he looks at these drawings and works some of them up on 30"x42" sheets. Gradually, then, he selects and refines, and then uses the drawings either as a basis for prints, paintings, or sculptures, or saves them to exhibit as finished works (or gives them away as gifts to friends!). From this small group of artists, we have since branched out. Some artists tend to make lots of drawings (Jonna Rae Brinkman and John Himmelfarb come to mind) both to learn from and to sell; others seem to make very few (or perhaps over the years it is just that very few have survived: the number of Titian drawings is quite small, while enough Durer drawings survive that Abaris published a 6-volume catalogue raisonne of them about thirty years ago). Collecting drawings is very much a matter of luck: ordinarily, they only come up once, unlike, say, a print in an edition of 100 where you have 100 chances to get one initially and then over time repeat opportunities as a dealers and collectors offer them for sale. We buy the best of what we can find when we happen to have money to afford them. Sometimes drawings are abundant but money is not, sometimes (very rarely), the situation is reversed; more often, both are scarce!
In this show we are also featuring works by earlier twentieth-century artists like Albert Besnard, Nataliya Goncharova (a beautiful and early abstract composition done in Russia c. 1913; one of her paintings sold at Sotheby's London in 1996 for $395,000), the sculptor Reuben Nakian, Rudolf Schlichter, the German Expressionist master (and friend of George Grosz), Marcel Vertes, Isabel Bishop, Aaron Bohrod, Joan Root, Phyllis McGibbon, Warrington Colescott's drawing for The Last Printmaker in his History of Printmaking Series, outsider-artist Simon Sparrow, and many others. We are also featuring a large group of drawings ranging from the late 15th century to the 19th by that famous artist, Anonymous (his/her name is legion!). Our new acquisitions complement the drawings we already had by such modern and contemporary artists as Pierre Alechinsky, Joan Gardy Artigas, Jim Bird, Claude Garache, John Himmelfarb, Manel Lledos, the COBRA artist Lucebert, and Gerard Titus-Carmel, all of whose works will also be in the show. We include a monoprint by Joan Miro whose chief compositional element is a very elaborate signature. We are also showing a brand new group of pastels by Jonna Rae Brinkman.
Isabel Bishop (American, 1902-1988), Figure Studies. Double-sided pen, pencil and wash drawing, 1930. Inscribed within rectangular border: "To Helen with Love" and signed "Isabel Bishop." Bishop was a studied at the Art Students League in New York with Kenneth Hayes Miller. She produced a large body of etchings and paintings. Her work has been widely shown. Image size: 135x145mm. Price: $3600. For additional information on the artist, see our webpage at Bishop
Aaron Bohrod (American, 1907-1994), Nude in the studio. Pen and ink and Colored washes, 1933. Signed lower right. Illustrated on page 13 of Aaron Bohrod: A Decade of Still Life (published by the UW Press in 1966). Bohrod's early style locates him with the Regionalists, if a bit more edgy, thanks to a certain hint of German Expressionism in his drawing. His later style moved to tromp l'oeuil. He also executed many paintings and lithographs. Bohrod succeeded John Steuart Curry as Artist in Residence at the University of Wisconsin, Madison Image size: 270x215mm. Price: $3600.
Pierre Alechinsky (Belgian, b. 1927), Sun bather. Brush and ink drawing, 1969. Signed in ink and dated 2 November 1969, this drawing was executed in the margins of one of Alechinsky's etchings, Ce hors là (A. 337), printed in 1967, and illustrated below. Image size: 115x216mm. Price: $9500. See Alechinsky 6.
Claude Garache (French, b. 1929), Avocette Watercolor, 1979. Signed lower right. Garache's work has been the subject of an important monograph by Jean Starobinski and has been featured in museum and gallery retrospectives in the U.S., France, England, Spain, and Germany. His drawings were the subject of a recent book by Jacques Dupin, the leading expert on Miro; his prints were featured at the European Print Biennial. Image size: 210x295mm. Price: $5000. See Garache Drawings.
Claude Garache (French, b. 1929), Pose "Ocre." Watercolor, 1989. Signed upper right. Garache's work has been the subject of an important monograph by Jean Starobinski and has been featured in museum and gallery retrospectives in the U.S., France, England, Spain, and Germany. His drawings were the subject of a recent book by Jacques Dupin, the leading expert on Miro; his prints were featured at the European Print Biennial. Image size: 210x295mm. Price: $5000. See Garache Drawings.
Joan Root (American), Striding man. Watercolor, 1983. Based in Washinton D.C. recently, she has shown with A.A.A. in New York (for whom she produced several lithographs). She has produced a large body of drawings, lithographs, and etchings. Her work has been widely shown. Image size: 325x250mm. Price: $475.
Joan Root (American), Seated athlete. Watercolor, 1983. Based in Washinton D.C. recently, she has shown with A.A.A. in New York (for whom she produced several lithographs). She has produced a large body of drawings, lithographs, and etchings. Her work has been widely shown. Image size: 380x250mm. Price: $475.
Phyllis McGibbon (American), The Blue Nude Revisited. Watercolor, 1986. Since receiving her MFA from UWMadison, McGibbon has been artist-in-residence at Wesleyan and at Pomona College. An active exhibitor in the US, she is an associate professor at Wellesley College. Her work has been widely shown. Image size: 273x224mm. Price: $750.
Phyllis McGibbon (American), Study for the Small Back. Watercolor, 1986. Since receiving her MFA from UWMadison, McGibbon has been artist-in-residence at Wesleyan and at Pomona College. An active exhibitor in the US, she is an associate professor at Wellesley College. Her work has been widely shown. Image size: 273x224mm. Price: $750.
Simon Sparrow (American) Untitled Original color drawing, 1984. unique. Sparrow was an outsider artist whose work, originally sold on the street by the artist, a street preacher, attracted national attention and was shown at a number of galleries and museums. Image size: 454x302mm. Price: SOLD
Spaightwood Galleries, Inc.
To purchase, call us at 1-800-809-3343 (508-529-2511 in Upton MA & vicinity) or send an email to sptwd@verizon.net. We accept AmericanExpress, DiscoverCard, MasterCard, and Visa.
Spaightwood Galleries is located at 120 Main St (aka Highway 140) in Upton MA at the corner of Main St and Maple Ave in a rehabilitated Unitarian Church. For directions and visiting information, please call. We are, of course, always available over the web and by telephone (see above for contact information). Click the following for links to past shows and artists. For a visual tour of the gallery, please click here. For information about Andy Weiner and Sonja Hansard-Weiner, please click here. For a list of special offers currently available, see Specials.
Visiting hours: Saturday and Sunday noon to six and other times by arrangement. Please call to confirm your visit. Browsers and guests are welcome.